Board of Directors
Norpoint Soccer Club is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors that consists of 5 elected Executive Officers and up to 12 appointed officers. All club members are encouraged to participate in this volunteer-based organization. Please contact any existing board members if you are interested in helping out.
Elections for Executive Board Positions are held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) during the December board meeting. Board Meetings are scheduled for 6pm on the first Wednesday of every month (unless otherwise scheduled), and are typically held at the Brown's Point Improvement Club (BPIC) during the season (August - November) and an alternate location in the off-season. During the season, coaches and club member's meeting immediately following the board meeting from 7-8pm.
Executive Board
Jason Mikos
The President is an elected official, committing to a two-year term and is responsible for the overall operations of the club and its members.
Vice President
Noah Davis
The Club Vice President is responsible for managing all Ethics issues inside the club. As issues arise, the VP reviews and acts as needed, according to the club by-laws. The Club VP also supports the President and attends monthly league meetings (PCSA).
Club Manager
Grace DeWitt
The Club Manager is responsible for club events, communications, and oversees fundraising events and activities like Opening Day, Spiritwear and other fundraising events. The Club Manager is the point-of-contact for all team's Club Contacts.
Equipment Chair
Nicole Marchbanks
The Club Equipment Chair is responsible for ordering all uniforms for the Micro through U-12 and jerseys for the Spring Mod program. The Equipment Chair also purchases club equipment as needed for soccer fields like marker paint, corner flags, goals, and nets.
Cathy Strong &
Lisa Branson-Garcia
The Club Registrar is responsible for rostering players to a team. The Registrar also ensures that roster size, rules and regulations are followed.
Micro Chair
Nicole Marchbanks
The Micro Chair is responsible for recruiting new coaches, providing resources and acting as main point of contact to the board members.
Mod-Rec Chair
Mod-Rec Chair is responsible for communicating with all Mod-Rec teams, providing coaching resources and acting as main point of contact to the board members. Approximately 1-2 hours volunteer time per week.
Select Chair
Cathy Strong
The Select Chair is responsible for scheduling team try outs, correct division placement and main point of contact to the board members.
Games Chair
Noah Davis
The Games Chair is responsible for reserving all home game field locations, guidance on field set up/take down, and any rescheduling.
Fields Chair
Daniel Garcia
Coordinates with local jurisdiction on field maintenance and conditions.
Kathy Mikos
The Club Treasurer is responsible for managing club funds at the direction of the Board. The treasurer receives club revenues and pays out all expenses. The Treasurer is also responsible for all tax-related activities for the club.
Mod-Ref Chair
Aaron Gowin
Responsible for scheduling of referees for Norpoint Soccer Club Home Games.
Chris Seaman
The Secretary takes meeting notes during board and parent/coaches meetings.
Grace DeWitt
The Webmaster is responsible for managing and updating the Norpoint Soccer Club website and social media pages.