
Norpoint Soccer Club By-Laws


WHEREAS, prior to 1965 no club existed for the promotion of organized junior soccer in the Dash Point, Browns Point, and Northeast Tacoma areas, and,

WHEREAS, interest in junior soccer grew to such an extent by 1969 that some form of coordination was required to promote the growth of organized junior soccer in the area, and

WHEREAS, the Norpoint Soccer Club (NSC) was formed for this purpose in the three geographic areas mentioned above, now, therefore, it is

RESOLVED, that the following constitute the By-Laws of the NSC, a non-profit corporation for the promotion of soccer in the Norpoint area with prime responsibility to oversee, and govern the junior soccer program in said area.


The purpose of the Norpoint Soccer Club is to create an environment for the development and education of players and coaches; to provide opportunities for developing and play for athletes through the Micro, Mod, and Recreational programs; to provide an opportunity for the advancement to higher levels of competition and development for those athletes who desire to play at a higher level through the Select Program; and to promote commitment to excellence of physical skills and mental discipline.


Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Norpoint Soccer club and hereinafter referred to as NSC or Norpoint.

Section 2. The colors of this club shall be red, black, and white in any combination.

Section 3. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. The Executive meeting begins at 6:00PM, the general meeting following at 7:00PM. The meetings are held at the Browns Point Improvement Club (BPIC) or as designated by proper notification by the President or 4 board members as set forth in Article IV, Sec. 3 B below.


This club shall be responsible for education, development, and governing junior soccer within the geographic areas of Dash Point, Browns Point, and Northeast Tacoma as follows:

Section 1. To provide a progressive competitive program for boys and girls to play soccer sponsored by NSC through participation in soccer.

Section 2. To assist youth in NSC sponsored programs to develop athletic skills and sportsmanship.


Section l. Any interested individual, 18 years and over, shall be considered a voting member upon attending a general meeting or the annual general meeting in December. Only the Board members have authority to vote at monthly Board meetings, although monthly meetings are open to any interested club member. All members can vote at the annual general meeting.

Section 2. Fees to affiliate teams of NSC with Tacoma Pierce County Junior Soccer Association (TPCJSA) shall be paid by the treasurer of NSC pursuant to the rules and regulations of TPCJSA.


Section 1. Executive Board (Board)

  1. The Board of this organization shall consist of both elected and appointed representatives.
  2. The elected positions are: President, Vice President, Education, Equipment and Club Manager.
  3. The appointed positions are: Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Select Teams Chairperson, Modified/Rec. Representative, Modified Referee, Micro Coordinator, Browns Point Fields and Games, and Meeker Fields and Games.

Section 2. Terms of Office

  1. Terms of office shall commence on January 1st.
  2. The President of this organization shall be elected to serve as President for a two-year term. The President must also have served at least one year as Vice President or be nominated and approved by the Executive Board prior to being elected to president.
  3. All other elected positions shall serve for one year and shall also be elected at the AGM.

Section 3. Meetings

  1. The Board shall meet monthly, from January through December, at the will of the President, or upon request of four members.
  2. General meetings will be held monthly, from March through December. These meetings are mandatory and must be attended either by the coach or a representative selected by the coach. Executive Board shall meet in January and February for purposes of establishing a budget, club calendar, finalize boundaries, TPCJSA paperwork and otherwise conduct the daily business necessary to run a non-profit organization. The annual general meeting (AGM) of this club shall be held in December for the purpose of electing officers and such other business deemed necessary by the Board.
  3. Any member of the Board not fulfilling their responsibilities or being absent without cause for three consecutive meetings shall forfeit their position.
  4. A quorum shall consist of four members of the Board. Each member shall have one vote except the President who shall vote only to break a tie. A single team may not hold a majority of the quorum.
  5. Resignation of Board members and Chairmanships must be in writing to the President.

Section 4. Executive Board

  1. The Board shall be responsible for accomplishing all business which shall be necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives of this club or which may be necessary to insure the continued existence of this club between general meetings.
  2. President
  3. Preside over all board meetings and general meetings.
  4. Insure functioning of club business.
  5. Give notice of all board and general meetings.
  6. Accomplish all other duties deemed necessary to promote NSC, and its objectives, subject to ratification by the Board.
  7. Vice President
  8. Act as President in his/her Absence
  9. Represent NSC at TPCJSA meetings.
  10. Chair Ethics Committee (Article IV, Sec. 5.)
  11. Prepare the Club's Affiliation Form for the Association.
  12. Record/maintain player, coach and parental Codes of Conduct.
  13. Secretary
  14. Keep and distribute minutes of all board and general meetings.
  15. Announce all Board and general meetings.
  16. Create agenda for board and general meetings.
  17. Prepare correspondence of NSC, unless designated to another.
  18. Prepare annual report meeting for December AGM.
  19. Keep a chronological record of club and member teams. Be liaison between the club and media records of the same.
  20. Registrar
  21. Shall register (via affiliations form) all teams with TPCJSA and WSYSA.
  22. Shall register all players and submit team rosters.
  23. Be an active member of the Select Program Committee.
  24. Treasurer
  25. Be responsible for all monies of NSC, which shall be deposited in a bank of Board choice.
  26. Pay all accounts by check, which shall require the treasurer's, and one other specified board member's signature.
  27. Report to the board upon request the financial status of the club, and provide an annual report at the AGM.
  28. Education Chairperson
  29. Build and administer the club library and education page of the Club website.
  30. Obtain information regarding clinics and tournaments and pass on to the club coaches.
  31. In coordination with the Micro/Mod/Rec and Select Chairs be responsible for continuing education of coaches, referees, parents and players, and keep records of same.
  32. Be an active member of the Select Program Committee.
  33. Fields/Games Chairperson-Browns Point and Meeker
  34. Determine needed field improvements and organize work party at beginning of season.
  35. Assure field maintenance during the season.
  36. Maintain chalk supply.
  37. Recommend repair and/or replacement of equipment related to the fields.
  38. In charge of scheduling and/or rescheduling of all games.
  39. Coordinate all scheduling with TPCJSA Games Chairperson and TPCJSA Referee Assignor.
  40. Coordinate all mod fields scheduling with the TPCJSA Mod scheduler and the NSC mod referee assignor.
  41. Reserve, through appropriate authorities, all fields to be utilized by NSC during the season.
  42. Schedule practice field space for all NSC Mod teams.
  43. Maintain liaison with other organizations seeking co-use of fields and facilities, and report conflicts to board for settlement.
  44. Equipment Chairperson
  45. Responsible for inventory and maintenance of club uniforms and equipment.
  46. Recommend repair and replacement of uniforms, balls and other equipment.
  47. Sources new uniforms and equipment as needed for operation of club.
  48. Modified Referee
  49. In charge of selecting, training, equipping and assigning referees for NSC mod games.
  50. Keep a record of games worked by assigned referees, and present a voucher for payment of referees to the treasurer.
  51. Modifed/Rec. Representative
  52. Is liaison between the mod/rec team coaches and the Board.
  53. Disseminate new rules and regulations pertaining to mod/rec soccer.
  54. Distributes Club information to coaches.
  55. Micro Coordinator
  56. Is liaison between the micro coaches and the Board.
  57. Educates Micro Coaches on rules and regulations of micro soccer.
  58. Schedules games and practices.
  59. Orders T-shirts (Uniforms)
  60. Distributes Club information to coaches.
  61. Select Teams Chair
  62. In charge of development of the program as per Article XI, Sec. 2, Clause C.
  63. Club Manager
  64. Is responsible for liaison between the Board and team parents and representatives.
  65. Conducts meetings as needed to train team representatives.
  66. Assist in coordination, planning and execution of select tryouts.
  67. Assist registrar in registration nights.
  68. Chair Ways and Means Committee. (Article IV, Sec. 5)

Section 5. Committees

  1. The committees chaired by Board members are Select Teams, Ways and Means, and Ethics.
  2. Select: See Select Team Rules and Regulations (Article XI)
  3. Ways and Means
  4. Responsible for club fundraising.
  5. Receive and approve fundraising requests from the club and individual teams.
  6. Ethics- The ethics committee is responsible for investigating complaints filed with NSC against any office, coach, parent, player or general member. The committee shall be composed of 2 coaches, 2 club members and the Vice President.
  7. In the event that a committee member is the subject of a compliant or is filed with NSC against any office, coach, parent, player or general member. The committee shall be composed of 2 coaches, 2 club members and the Vice President.
  8. Upon completion of its investigation, the ethics committee shall present a recommendation to the board.
  9. Special committees shall be appointed by the Board as needed.
  10. Each committee chair shall prepare a brief (one paragraph) report of committee, due 15 days prior to the AGM.


The parliamentary authority shall be Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, when not inconsistent with the By-Laws of the club. This club shall endeavor to revise these By-Laws to be consistent with the TPCJSA By-Laws.


Changes to these By-Laws may be adopted at any general meeting of NSC, provided the proposed changes have been announced to the membership at least 15 days prior to the general meeting. Changes shall require a majority vote of the members present for adoption.


Section 1. Norpoint Soccer shall have a junior soccer sign up administered by the Registrar on three separate dates in May at three locations.

Section 2. All players must carry junior soccer insurance coverage as required by TPCJSA. This coverage must be paid (included in registration fee) before participating in any practice or game.

Section 3. Every effort will be made by the club to put each registered player on a team.

Section 4. Returning players must register, pay, or have a scholarship granted/request in for registration by April 30th. New players will be placed on teams on a first come, first served basis after the state date of April 30th.

Section 5. All players must pay the registration fee and have a copy of the original birth certificate on file with the Club Registrar before participating in any practice or game. Refunds will be given only to players who, after August 1st, have attended less than four practices and have not played in any games. Refunds will not be processed or mailed out until after September 1st.


Section 1. All players, where possible, shall play in the own age group through U10.


Section 1. This club welcomes sponsorship of individual teams by businesses and other parties, at both club and select levels.

Section 2. Individual sponsors shall not have the right to require color changes of uniforms, name changes, or sponsorship logos on uniforms for teams. Business logos are only allowed on sweats, bags, or other equipment.

Section 3. Only the NSC issued uniform will be worn by Norpoint home club, and/or mod and micro teams.

Section 4. Select/Rec Team Uniforms. Uniforms purchased by the team or through team sponsors may not have sponsor logos. Uniform jerseys must still retain the Norpoint colors (red, white, black) in any combination and have the Norpoint Patch.

Section 5. This club welcomes all publicity for Norpoint teams by sponsors provided Norpoint Club identity is not negated.


Individual Teams may conduct fundraisers for their own use under the following conditions:

Section 1. By December 1, each team shall submit to the Treasurer a statement describing the amounts of revenues received and the sources of that revenue.

Section 2. By December 1, each team shall submit to the Treasurer a statement describing the amounts of any charitable contributions given to the team and the sources of those contributions.

Section 3. Any funds in accounts of teams, which are dissolved, shall be distributed evenly among the parents of the players in good standing with the team at the time it is dissolved. If this is impossible, the funds will be turned over to NSC.

Section 4. Any team at any level raising or having $2000.00 donated to it over the season must contact TPCJSA Treasurer to obtain a form for the purpose of reporting such funds as dictated by the TPCJSA.


The rules in Article XI pertain only to select and premier teams and Article XI shall control in the event of a conflict with other articles. The Board may supplement this Article with rules and policies.

Section 1. Norpoint Select Teams may be formed from age division U11 and above.

Section 2. Norpoint Select Team Policy and Procedures.

  1. Norpoint Select Team Definition.

A Norpoint Select Team consists of players possessing a high level of soccer skills, and competitive ability and desire, selected from an eligible group of players.

  1. Initiative for Norpoint Select Teams.
  2. To provide an avenue for the more skilled players to advance in soccer skills and competitive ability be playing at a highly competitive level and with players of near or equal ability.
  3. To allow those players who have previously been restricted in their participation in game situations because of their skill level and competitive ability, to participate to a greater extent on a team with players of near or equal ability, thus increasing their interest and preventing normal attrition from the game.
  4. Norpoint Select Teams Chairperson.
  5. Shall be appointed by the President and be approved by the Executive Board.
  6. Shall keep TPCJSA Vice President-Competition advised of the progress of select teams.
  7. Norpoint Select Teams Committee.
  8. Shall consist of President, Education Chairperson, Registrar, Select Teams Chairperson, and on member not on the Executive Board.
  9. If any one person holds two of the above-mentioned positions, they only have one vote on any Select issue. The Select Chair has the right to appoint two Select Coaches to the Select Committee. These coaches must have final approval of the Executive Board and the coaches will have voting privileges. This should allow the committee to have a minimum of five voting members and a maximum of six.
  10. Shall promote, organize, schedule and administer the Norpoint select teams selection process of players and coaches in accordance with this format.
  11. Publicize to all eligible players the tryout/selection schedule.
  12. Continue to coordinate with the select team coaches in regard to team needs.
  13. Make recommendations re: select policies and procedures to the Executive Board for approval.
  14. Norpoint Select Team Coaches.
  15. Shall be appointed annually by the Coaching Director by February 15th and subject to approval by the Select Teams Committee.
  16. The duration of the appointment will be for one year unless terminated earlier by the Executive Board.
  17. Norpoint will consider the following factors in evaluating applicants for appointment as select team coaches.
  18. Years of coaching and playing experience.
  19. Past level of coaching and playing experience.
  20. Licensing status and intentions to seek higher licensing.
  21. Refereeing background and licensing status.
  22. Recommendations from the Coaching Director or others.
  23. Past disciplinary actions taken against the person as a coach or player.
  24. Formal training or experience in working with youth in areas unrelated to soccer.
  25. Past connections to the Club, such as experience as a "mod" coach.
  26. Written comments from the applicant.
  27. Select Team Assistant Coach

Shall be appointed by the Select Team Coach, subject to being accepted by the Select Committee and up for final review and approval by the Executive Board.

  1. Select Team Manager

Shall be appointed by the Select Team Coach, subject to being accepted by the Select Committee and up for final review and approval by the Executive Board. Shall act as a liaison between the Select Team, Norpoint, and the Select Teams Committee. In the absence of the Coach/Asst. Coach, attend all Norpoint Meetings.

  1. Selection of players
  2. Players will be selected annually by the select team coach. The Coach is not limited to, but should consider the following factors:
  3. Ball control: dribbling, trapping, possession, and heading.
  4. Passing: accuracy, distance, force.
  5. Position play: playing position, moving into and creating space, overlapping.
  6. Tackling ability
  7. Shooting ability
  8. Play-making ability: tactics, team play.
  9. Supporting play: marking, reading movements, anticipation.
  10. Goalkeeping: (specifically for goalkeepers.)
  11. Overall soccer knowledge.
  12. The Coach may, but is not required to, use a committee to assist in choosing players.
  13. In those age groups for which a coach has been selected, invitations will be sent to all players currently registered within Norpoint and TPCJSA. Dates/times for tryouts will be established by the select teams committee.
  14. The final roster will be determined by the select team coach.
  15. Selection of the roster by the select team coach will be completed no later than May 1, prior to the playing season in which that team will play, unless extended by the Select Teams committee. Changes to the roster are permissible, in accordance with applicable rules.
  16. All Norpoint select teams will compete within WSYSA in the highest available league of competition for which qualified.
  17. Any player who shall tryout for a Norpoint select team but is not selected will have the right to return to his/her former club Norpoint Recreational team. The registrar will be charged with the responsibility of assuring that said players are given the option of returning to their former team.
  18. Sponsorship
  19. Norpoint will arrange for:
  20. Coaches letters and applications.
  21. Tryout letters to players.
  22. Norpoint encourages select teams to be co-sponsored by outside sponsors. These outside sponsors are allowed to identify themselves if they so desire, subject to specifications in Article IX.
  23. Funds generated by any club select team for the use by that team shall be used at the teams' discretion, subject to the provisions of Article X of the By-Laws.
  24. Common Uniforms

Unless specifically exempted by the Board, all select and premier teams shall wear a common uniform as approved by the Board.

  1. Team Names

Unless specifically exempted, all select and premier teams will be called by the common name chosen by the Board.

  1. Dues and Fees

The Board may annually assess dues and fees to be collected by select and premier teams' Treasurers or Managers, and delivered to the Club's Treasurer.

  1. Coaches' Stipends

The Select Teams Committee, in conjunction with the Coaching Director, shall endeavor to set compensation levels consistently, as between coaches, taking into account their backgrounds and duties.

Section 3. Coaching Director

The Board may choose to enter into a personal services contract with an appropriately qualified Coaching Director. The scope of duties shall be governed by contract, but should include primarily benefits and services toward the select and premier teams, and secondarily toward the recreational program. Compensation for a Coaching Director shall primarily be from dues collected from select and premier players. The Coaching Director shall not be a voting member of the Board, but may serve on committees. January and February will be used as "Consultant" months for the Coaching Director position with the fee being decided upon by the Select Chair and Select Committee with final approval of the Executive Board. The Coaching Director contract will be slated to being March 1st of every year, if the Select Program does contract one.